Judy has written more than 400 book reviews and other content for best-selling author James Patterson's spectacular website for parents, librarians, and teachers, and other children's book-loving souls: www.readkiddoread.com Looking for great page-turners to buy for/read to/share with the kids in your life? Want them to be readers for life? Here you go. You'll find book recommendations, annotations, and lists of related titles for books kids-ages birth through teen-will love. Check it out and spread the word. ReadKiddoRead.com won three awards in 2009:
Judy's popular "Books Kids Will Sit Still For" series from Libraries Unlimited (http://www.lu.com) now includes Books Kids Will Sit Still For: The Complete Read-Aloud Guide (1990), More Books Kids Will Sit Still For (1995), and Books Kids Will Sit Still For 3 (2006), all of which are indispensable resources for literature-based classrooms and libraries. You can also order all three hardcovers as a 3-volume set and get a nice discount to boot. Judy's comprehensive handbooks for her celebrated annual conference, "Winners!: A Closer Look at Judy Freeman's Top-Rated Children's Books of the Year," presented each spring throughout New Jersey. Past year's handbooks are available from Libraries Unlimited. An all-new edition comes out every spring to accompany each year's presentation. Each edition of The Winners! Handbook contains Judy's copiously annotated booklists of her 100 best books of the past year, along with scores of useful and fun ideas, activities, worksheets, teacher's guides, Reader's Theater scripts, songs and stories, and a whole chapter of great websites. Consider each of these handbooks to be a yearly update of Books Kids Will Sit Still For 3. One of these days, Judy will find the time to write Books Kids Will Sit Still For 4, but until then, these yearly handbooks are bursting with goodies. "The Winners! Handbook: A Closer Look at Judy Freeman's Top-Rated Children's Books of 2014", published in Spring 2015, is available by contacting Judy at JudyFreemansWorkshops@gmail.com. Judy loves to read and talk about books, sure, but she also loved to sing songs and tell stories, like those from her book, Once Upon a Time: Using Storytelling, Creative Drama, and Reader's Theater with Children in Grades K-6 (Libraries Unlimited, 2007), a winner of the Ninth Annual Anne Izard Storytellers' Choice Award in 2009. Take a peek at Judy in action at: www.youtube.com. Judy has two definitive new books available on storytelling: Storytelling:
The Handbook for Storytellers by Judy Freeman
& Caroline Feller Bauer ALA Editions, ©2015. {ISBN 13-978-0-8389-1100-6;
416 pp} {Paperback $65.00} and The Handbook for
Storytime Programs by Judy Freeman & Caroline Feller Bauer ALA
Editions, ©2015.{ISBN 13-978-0-8389-1265-2; 616 pp} {Paperback $65.00}.